Use of this effect is unconfirmed.
While this effect was mentioned on Visual Sounds webpage, I've not seen any pictures of The Edge using this pedal live
or in the studio.
U2 – A while back Fraser McAllister, guitar tech for U2, called us saying that The Edge, apparently, had heard
great things about the Jekyll & Hyde and Route 66 pedals. He wanted to give them a test
drive, so we shipped them to Ireland and waited to hear the verdict. A week later, Fraser called back to say that The Edge
liked both pedals a lot and was especially in love with the Route 66. He also said that Daniel Lanois, U2's producer, loved
the Route 66 pedal so much that he wanted to know "would it be OK if we bought another one?” Was he kidding? Anyway…
off went another Route 66 pedal to Ireland. We have it on good standing that the pedals have become not only a part of U2’s
live show, but are also used in several places on their Grammy Award winning CD’s! We here at Visual Sound are honored
that our pedals are being used all over the world by such a class act as U2.
A reviewer on the Web recently posted
the following: "Even the player, The Edge, of U2 loves his Visual Sound pedals! I saw one of the Visual Sound
(H2O) pedals on top of the speaker cabinet behind The Edge when he was playing on the Elevation 2001 U2 Live from
Boston DVD." We didn't even know he was using an H2O, but we’re pleased he is! www.u2.com